The Mask Project

My MFA Logo Rebrand

MFA Logo Animation

MFA ad

The Prompt:

"Rebrand the MFA Graphic Design & Illustration Program"

My Solution:

I created branding based off the idea that graphic design and illustration are two parts of the same whole. This is true in two ways. Graphic Design and Illustration have always been “kissing cousins”in the communications field, often times one person’s talents crossover into both disciplines. The other way they are two parts of the same whole is by both being what make up thee Marywood MFA program. All students experience both disciplines in the program and are encouraged to apply their individualized styles in their projects.

I took a circle which symbolizes wholeness, divided it to represent the two disciplines and giving them each a color (yellow and blue) that represented the whole if put together (Marywood’s brand color - green). I used All Round Gothic for the font so that it would echo the circular shapes used in the logo and ads.

I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in the creation of the project.

Steven Brower • Marywood University


